On January 23, 2020, Morten Elk and the SimpleSite team have welcomed their guests to the sixteenth edition of Nordic Growth Hackers, the leading event for growth specialists in Copenhagen. Taking place at the normal rendez-vous point at Matrikel 1, the event brings together some of the brightest talents in tech to share amazing stories about growth hacking and provide the local tech community with alternative blueprints for their future growth strategies.
“Six speakers delivering something that is short, sweet, and specific”—this is the well-known format of Nordic Growth Hackers, as presented by Morten Elk. Each speaker has 15 minutes to tell a concrete story about how they created growth in a very specific context that they experienced. The concrete and the specific is really what gives us new ideas, says Morten. What the sixteenth edition has brought into sharp focus has been idea and process of acquiring customers, predominantly in sales and marketing. Because talking growth—it is really about getting customers, says Morten. The first three speakers (Robert Juul Glæsel from 24Slides, Lasse Kalkar from Revolut, and Maximilian Frimmer from Likvido) would give different answers to the same question: How does this company get customers? The next three speakers (Troels Skjelbo from Visma E-conomic, Jannik Lawaetz from Luggagehero, and Morten Spliid from Hobbii) will again speak about designing organization in sales and marketing for maximum effect, as well as designing methods to best decide where to attack next. In this way, the overall theme is actually about design for the specific circumstances that you’re in.

The program of the sixteenth edition
16:30 — Arrival and registration at Founders House.
17:00 — Welcome keynote by Morten Elk, SimpleSite: “Welcome to Nordic Growth Hackers #16“
17:10 — Robert Juul Glaesen, 24Slides: “Inside sales vs. marketing? Learnings from improving lead quality and how +2.5 million free downloads help“
17:25 — Lasse Kalkar, Revolut: “9 million users and +300% growth. When even ‘non-scalable’ channels prove scalable“
17:40 — Maximilian Frimmer, Likvido: “From 2 to 12 sales staff. Sales turned profitable when client segment and channel matched“
17:55 — Robert, Lasse, and Maximilian form a panel open for questions.
18:10 — Break! Light refreshments.
18:25 — Troels Skjelbo, Visma E-conomic: “Hypergrowth. Empowering marketing employees via OKR proved to be the greatest growth hack“
18:40 — Jannik Lawaetz, Luggagehero
18:55 — Morten Spliid, Hobbii: “0 to 200 million in 5 years. How to knit a high-performance marketing team“
19:10 — Troels, Jannik, and Morten form a panel open for questions.
19:25 — Pizza, beer, networking, and knowledge sharing.
21:00 — See you at the next Nordic Growth Hackers event!