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The fifteenth edition of Nordic Growth Hackers took place on October 3, 2019, at Matrikel 1 in Copenhagen. Created and hosted by Morten Elk, the founder and CEO of SimpleSite, the event brings together some of the brightest talents in tech to share amazing stories about growth hacking—stories that inspire the local tech community and provide challenging blueprints for future growth strategies.

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Morten Elk has set out to draw a map of what specific elements the guest speakers will cover in their interventions. Taylor Ryan from and Casper Emil Rouchmann from Templafy would talk about how to generate the leads that become the customers who drive your business, using organic LinkedIn and paid acquisition using LinkedIn. Steffen Hedebrandt from would talk about the value of the inflow that you are creating, using paid or organic channels. Claus Johansen from Eloomi and Nikolaj Leonhard-Hjorth from GOODIEBOX will unveil various means to discover what your customers actually want and create a product that they will embrace. Not lastly, Lars Fløe Nielsen from Sitecore would talk about the company’s growth journey and the key decisions that have transformed it into one of the few ‘Unicorn’ companies in Denmark. 

The program of the fifteenth edition

16:30 — Arrival and registration at Founders House.

17:00 — Welcome keynote by Morten Elk, SimpleSite: “Welcome to Nordic Growth Hackers #15
17:10 — Steffen Hedebrandt, “B2B content ROI. How we got a payback factor on our content team’s salaries
17:25 — Claus Johansen, Eloomi: “From 100 to 400 B2B clients in 2 years. Understand your customer before you build your product
17:40 — Lars Fløe Nielsen, Sitecore: “How Sitecore has become a Unicorn by killing their own market, dictatorship, and gruesome housekeeping
17:55 — Steffen, Claus, and Lars form a panel open for questions.


18:10 — Break! Light refreshments.

18:25 — Nikolaj Leonhard-HjorthGOODIEBOX: “Funnel analysis and A/B tests are just the basics. How insightful branding increased conversion rates
18:40 — Casper Emil Rouchmann, Templafy: “How we turned LinkedIn into one of our most profitable channels using paid tactics
18:55 — Taylor Ryan, “Organic LinkedIn. How increased the number of followers and engagement
19:10 — Nikolaj, Casper, and Taylor form a panel open for questions.

19:25 — Pizza, beer, networking, and knowledge sharing.
21:00 — See you at the next Nordic Growth Hackers event!

Keynote Speakers

Head of Growth at Templafy

Casper Rouchmann

CMO, Co-Founder of GOODIEBOX and Comme Deux

Nikolaj Leonhard-Hjorth

Co-founder at Sitecore and Nordic Makers

Lars Fløe Nielsen

CEO and Founder of eloomi

Claus Johansen

6x Start-Up Founder, Growth-Hacker, and CEO

Taylor Ryan

Co-Founder at

Steffen Hedebrandt

CEO at SimpleSite, Founder of Nordic Growth Hackers

Morten Elk